Alloy Grade UNS: 10B – General Structure Alloys

  • Overview

    Structural alloys are metallic materials engineered to provide specific mechanical properties suitable for load-bearing applications. These alloys are widely used in construction, manufacturing, and various industries where strength, durability, and reliability are crucial.

  • Typical Uses

    Cylinders, marine propulsion, rolls, shaft sleeves.

  • MetalTek Grade

    WC 6

  • Poured At:

    Carondelet Division, Sandusky International Division, Wisconsin Centrifugal Division, Wisconsin Investcast Division

Similar Specifications

Cast UNS: J24054

Cast Grade: 10B

Cast ASTM: A217

Typical Chemical Composition (% by wt.)

Aluminum: n/a

Carbon: 0.05-0.20

Chromium: 1.00-1.50

Manganese: 0.50-0.80

Iron: BAL

Copper: n/a

Nickel: n/a

Lead: n/a

Tin: n/a

Silicon: 0.6

Zinc: n/a

Other: Mo 0.45-0.65

Minimum Mechanical Properties

Tensile, ksi


Tensile, MPa


Yield, ksi


Yield, MPa




Heat Treatment: Normalize And Temper